HomeEstrovan Bolus - An ayurvedic remedy for inducing heat & cure infertility
Estrovan Bolus - An ayurvedic remedy for inducing heat & cure infertility
Estrovan Bolus - An ayurvedic remedy for inducing heat & cure infertility
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Estrovan Bolus - An ayurvedic remedy for inducing heat & cure infertility

Product Description

The powerful estrogenic properties of Estrovan Bolus help to induce heat & cure infertility. Estrovan bolus is a powerful combination of natural herbs which not only have estrogenic actions but also have Anti-inflammatory, ecbolic, Genito-urinary antiseptic & Antibacterial actions. Estrovan bolus helps to develop underdeveloped genital organs naturally.Estrovan bolus is indicated in 

  • Anoestrus due to inactive ovaries
  • Infertility resulting from uterine infections or inflammations
  • Silent heat 
  • Delayed maturity in heifers-due to underdeveloped or undeveloped genital organs
  • To improve overall fertility

ईस्ट्रोवेन बोलस मादा पशुके ऋतुचक्र को प्राकृतिकरूप से नियमित करता हैं। ईस्ट्रोवेन बोलस गर्भाशय के संक्रमण एवं सूजन मिटाने एवं पशु को हीट (गर्मी) में लाने में मदद करता है। 


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